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Welcome to the Dairy Development Forum (DDF) Wiki!


The Tanzania Dairy Development Forum (DDF) was launched on 22 February 2013 to bring together national dairy actors in a bid to explore a coordinated approach to collaborative development of the Tanzanian dairy industry. Nested under the authority of the Tanzania Dairy Board ([http:www.tanzaniadairyboard.or.tz/?q=node/62| TDB]), whose role is to strategically plan and coordinate sector development “in an orderly manner”, the DDF acts as a platform where initiatives can be conceived and acted on, where evidence of what works and what does not can be shared and discussed, and where action-based alliances between like-minded actors can be formed. It aims to fill gaps in (1) dairy technology and agribusiness skills, craft strategies for (2) expanding the national dairy herd and (3) seek business solutions for year-round availability of quality feeds. The Secretariat for the DDF is performed by the Tanzania Dairy Board ([http:www.tanzaniadairyboard.or.tz/?q=node/62| TDB]). See some background information on the implementation of the DDF.

This Wiki of the DDF is for sharing information by all dairy value chain stakeholders in Tanzania.

The DDF holds stakeholder meetings twice a year, for which an advisory committee (AC) prepares the agenda.